The Deer Hunter

- You hear about the happy Roman?
- Yeah.

- He was "glad he ate her."
- Come on. Let's go, let's go.

- Where's Stan? Hey, Stan!
- I don't know.

- I'll see you later.
- Take care.

Nick! Write us.
- Take care of yourself, okay?
- Bye-bye.

- So long.
- Take it easy, Mike.

- Don't get your ass shot off, Okay? Good luck.
- Okay, I won't.

Hey! Say, Mike, take care of yourself.
Good luck to you.

- Kill a few for me too.
- I will. Stay out of trouble.

Hey, little killer.
Stevie! Hey!
Hey, Axel, there's Stan.

- Stanley, you asshole.
- Hey, Stan!

Stan, it's no use!
Come on, Stosh.
You're beautiful now.

You're still
an ugly bastard, Stan!

Good luck to you
in the army, man.

Get Stanley, Axel.
Come on. Come on.
Get the hell outta here.
Come on, Stan. Let's go.
Very mature. Very mature,
well-adapted individual, Stosh.

- Take it easy.
- Whoa.

Hey! Look at that! Whoa!
What the hell is that?

Where? Oh, yeah.
Holy shit. You know what that is?
Those are sun dogs.

What does it mean?
A blessing on the hunter sent by
the great wolf to his children.

- What the fuck are you talkin' about?
- It's an old lndian thing.

You're full of shit.
Stanley, would I shit you
about something like that?

You know, Mike,
there's times when nobody but a doctor
can understand you.

That's an omen,
you know that?

We can have one great
fucking hunting trip tonight.

Mike, I don't know
where you come up with all this.

Hey, wait a minute.
What? Are you thinking of
going deer huntin' tonight?

Not tonight.
I'm gettin' married tonight.

-You fuckin' guys would go deer huntin'.
-Hey, hey.

First we get you legal.
Tuck you into bed with Angela.
