Cruising speed is two years per
minute.Go into the past or future.
Two years per minute?
Acceleration keeps the machine and
occupant outside all time spheres...
-...conscious, but vaporized.
-How do you determine direction?
West, you gain yesterdays.
East, you accumulate tomorrows.
Go north, you get to Glasgow.
The machine is designed
with several safety features.
The reversal rotation lock returns
the machine to its starting date...
...after the completion of a voyage.
If the occupant is injured
during a flight...
...the passenger is returned
to the point of departure.
Unless he uses this key
to countermand the device.
Without that key,
it's a bloody homing pigeon.
And what, may I ask, is this?
Well, John...
...this is the vaporizing equalizer.
Without it, the passenger journeys
without the machine...
...and without the machine,
there is no coming back.
Well, H.G., which is it to be?
The past or the future?
The past, surely.
He'll want to meet Cleopatra.
-The future.
-Why the future?
I belong there.In three generations,
social utopia will have come to pass.
There'll be no war, crime or poverty.
And no disease either, John.
Men will live like brothers,
and in equality with women.
-Oh, dear.Let's have the past.
-Here, here.
I can't agree with you.Check.
You astonish me.In the midst of all
your theorizing, you ignore the facts.
We live in a cosmic charnel house.
Mankind has not changed in 2000 years.