...and stands well above
6 feet in height.
What makes you say that this,
...is responsible for the death
of the girls?
I just know for a fact he is.
-I see.Do you have spiritual powers?
-Do I what?
Are you a medium or a mystic?
I make no claim to supernatural
gifts of any sort.
If I could reveal the source
of my information, l....
As a matter of fact,
I'm also a detective.
I was sent from London on the trail
of Stevenson, traveling incognito.
My name....
-My name is Sherlock Holmes
-Sherlock Holmes, I see.
Go on, go on.
I can't.I gave you a complete
description, I told you his name.
I've told you everything I know.
It was good of you to share
your insights, Mr.Holmes.
How can we reach you if we need
to speak to you?
Is that necessary?
I'm staying with a friend.
Must we involve her?
Not unless it's unavoidable we contact
you.We're known for our discretion.
Very well.
Her name is Miss Amy Robbins.
She lives at 2340 Francisco.
Thank you for your time, Mr.Holmes.
You don't believe me, do you?
I'd like to.My job would
be simpler if I could.
This printout says U.S.Customs
has no record...
...of John Leslie Stevenson coming
here.British Customs has no record...
...of a man by that name leaving.
There's no mention of a Mr.Holmes...
...coming into the country.Now he
could be using another name...
...but since we don't know where he
is, we can't question him.
-Can we?