Ladies and gentlemen. You will
now see the Astronomical Horse.
It'll tell you anything
you want to know.
How ode? What illness?
How many kids?
Show your talent!
Show your beastly reason!
Put human society to shame!
Ladies and gentlemen...
...the animal you see here,
with its tail and four hooves...
...is a member of
the academic society...
...and professor at our university...
...where he teaches the
students to ride and to fight.
Is there a jackass present in
our esteemed assembly?
You can't fool him!
How much is two times two?
Two times two.
Two, three, four, very good!
Thank you.
What a genius!
Look at that.
Now tell the gentlemen
what time it is.
Does anyone have a watch handy?
A watch?
- Here you go, sir.
- I've got to see this.
- But I'm not giving it to you.
- Just check what time it is.
This is a woman!