What are you doing?
lt's not our fault, it's ordered by madam.
Move them all back.
Move them out...
Also, move those out as well.
Ah To.
Kung Zi, what do you mean by this?
So there lS a proper training hall here.
Had you told me...
l needn't have practised in
the backyard...
and demolished the wall.
Why have you moved these weapons?
A good training hall needs real weapons
Kung Zi, but these are weapons.
l know nothing of these things
and they are like trash to me.
This is a sword, the king of weapons.
lts history goes back
several thousand years.
lt has been passed down to us.
And there are many styles of
This is 8 Diagram Sword.
When you practise it it's like dancing.
Strong, powerful, fierce
and aggressive; a real sword!
All that noise, it's like a beggar
driving dogs away.
Nonsense. Those who practise Kendo...
have a spiritual nexus with
the sword in hand.
How could you insult that?
You have a spiritual bond with
this worthless metal?