What do we do now?.
Well, I've got an idea,
but I'm gonna need your help,
unless you want to explain
to some judge
what you were doing on your
father's boat in the middle of the night.
Now, just do what I tell you, okay?.
- Okay.
- Good. Come on.
What the hell's-
Excuse me.
Don't give me the same old story.
- Well, actually, Officer-
- Same old story, huh?
This is all your fault.
You realize that, don't you?
- It was his idea, not mine.
- Listen to her, Miss Goody Two-shoes.
It wasn't her fault?.
It was all my idea?
Whose idea was it to have
a romantic setting down by the water?.
I'd have settled for an empty boxcar.
No, never again.
Not another boxcar.
She takes after her mother.
They're both bananas.
- You leave my mother out of this!
- She's crazy-
Enough of this!
Both of you, get out of here.
Anything you say.
Come on, sweetie pie.