Striker, you listen,
and you listen close.
Flying a plane is
like riding a bicycle.
It's just harder to
put baseball cards in the spokes.
First, get the feel of the plane.
Later, we'll run down
the landing procedure.
All right. Disengage
the automatic pilot.
Make no violent control movements
like you did in the fighter planes.
All right. I'll unlock
the automatic pilot.
The controls will feel very heavy
compared to a fighter.
Don't worry about that.
It's perfectly normal.
Now, one more thing.
Can somebody work the radio
and leave you free for flying?
The stewardess is here with me.
Good. Have her sit
in the co-pilot seat.
Elaine, he wants you
to sit in the co-pilot seat.
What's going on?
We have a right to know the truth.
All right, I'll level with you all.
The most important thing
is that you remain calm.
There's no reason to panic.
It's true one of
the crew members is ill.
Slightly ill.
The other two pilots are fine.
They're flying the plane,
free to pursue a life
of religious fulfilment.
The radio is all yours. Keep an eye
on number three engine gauge.
It's running a little hot.
Striker, first I'd like
to say something.
I know things must look
pretty rough up there.
If you do what I tell you
when I tell you,