I'm interested in interior experiences,
especially the religious experience.
The only reason I'm working
with schizophrenics now...
...is the religious experience is
so significant in schizophrenia.
There's only so much
you can do with animals.
I worked with monkeys...
...but they can't tell you what goes on
in their consciousness.
You need human beings for that.
You can't ablate human beings,
nor stick electrodes in their skulls...
...so I have to use
a trance-inducing technique...
...and the isolation tank seemed
the least risky.
And I'd like to go home with you tonight.
Would that be all right with you?
I've got a roommate.
We'll be confined to the living-room couch.
What's wrong with the living-room couch?
You tend to slip off a lot.
I'm sure we'll manage.
I'm sure we will.
So, whenever you want to go there,
you let me know.
How about right now?
What are you thinking about?
...Jesus, crucifixions.
As a rule, do you usually think about
Christ and crucifixions under sexual stress?
When I was nine years old,
I used to see visions...
...visions of saints and angels,
even Christ himself.
Of course I don't do that anymore...
...not since I was 16.
Were your parents religious?