Altered States

A little bit?
You're an unmitigated madman!
You don't have to tell me how weird
you are. I know how weird you are!

I'm the girl in your bed
the past two months.

Even sex is a mystical experience for you.
You carry on like a flagellant,
which can be very nice...

...but I sometimes wonder
if it's me that's being made love to.

I feel like I'm being harpooned by some
raging monk in the act of receiving God.

And you are a Faust freak, Eddie.
You'd sell your soul to find the great Truth.

Well, human life doesn't have great truths.
We're born in doubt. We spend our lives
persuading ourselves we're alive.

And one way we do that is
we love each other, like I love you.

I can't imagine living without you.
So let's get married.
If it turns out to be a disaster,
it'll be a disaster.

We'll shake hands and say goodbye.
He's giving her dimethyltryptamine.
It takes effect in about a minute
and she'll trip out for about half an hour.

Do you feel different now?
Less anxious?
Much less.
Do you have any special feelings?
I feel...
:17:26 my heart is being touched by Christ.
There's a lot of religious delusion
among acute schizophrenics.

Some guys say schizophrenics are
physically different from the rest of us.

It's almost as if they were trying
to change their physical selves to...

...adapt to their schizophrenic image
of themselves.
