Sylvia just told me
you're getting a divorce.
We're getting separated.
We probably won't get around
to the divorce until next year.
I know it's none of my business, but why?
You're married to a great woman
who adores you.
My God, if anybody has it made, you have.
You're a respected and admired figure...
...a full professor on the faculty
of the Harvard Medical School.
For God's sake, is that how you imagine
me? A respected and admired figure?
A devoted father? A loving husband?
Well, I've also published nearly two papers
a year for the last seven years...
...and not a fundamental piece of work
in the lot.
I sit around the living rooms
of other young married faculty members...
...talking infantile masturbation, who's
sucking up to the head of the department...
...whose tenure is hanging by a thread.
Emily is content to go on with this life.
She insists she's in love with me,
whatever that is.
What she means is
she prefers the senseless pain...
...we inflict on each other to the pain...
...we would otherwise inflict on ourselves...
...but I'm not afraid of that solitary pain.
If I don't strip myself of all this clatter
and clutter and ridiculous ritual...
...I shall go out of my fucking mind!
Does that answer your question, Arthur?
What question was that?
You asked me why I was getting divorced.
Listen, it's your life.
I'm sorry I even asked.
Why don't I call Eccheverria
and we'll all go out and have some dinner?
As a matter of fact, Eduardo,
my year in India was disappointing.
No matter how you slice it...
...yoga's a state-specific technology
operating in the service of...
...an a piori belief system....
We scientists have a moral obligation to
the public as well as to our own research.
It just never occurred to baboons...
...that they could shorten that time
to five minutes if they used a stick.
Originally, man was just another
savanna-living primate like the baboon.