Couldn't resist, right?
Well, somebody's got to keep his eye
on you two sorcerers.
What have you got in there,
some kind of salt solution?
Ten percent magnesium sulfate,
for buoyancy.
Weird, man.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Okay, you're fine.
Wednesday, January 7th, 4:28 P. M.
Hey, this is terrific!
He went into theta like a shot.
No spindling, nothing.
Grasslands, savannas.
I feel...
...I am actually alive
and inside this landscape.
A density of woodlands about a mile away.
Beyond that,
mountains that seem to be smoking.
Newly born mountains,
Cenozoic, latter Tertiary.
I'm in an edge-area.
Utter tranquility, but alive.
Life in the trees. Life in the sedge.
Oh, my God...
...the birth of man. That's got to be it!
My God! There it is...
...a proto-human.
The first, and the original
truly human form...
...tiny, perhaps 4 feet high,
completely furred...
...chimp-like, but erect.
No knuckle walking. Shorter arms.
He's moving along so gracefully.
There's two, three of them.
Bipedal, tiny, little furred
humanoid creatures...
...a chunk of lava in their hands...
...stalking or hunting something.
For Christ's sake.
Are you okay, Eddie?
I'm becoming one of them.
I'm no longer observing.