Altered States

I just want to make a few notes.
My God, you look so marvelous!
How have you been, Eddie?
Just fine. You?
Look, there's Daddy.
Are you going to drive us
to our new house?

You bet. Depending how nice you are...
...maybe we'll take you
to a Chinese restaurant.

Don't let anybody tell you
baboons aren't occasionally carnivorous.

I observed instances of predation...
...which involved the unmistakable
behavior of hunters.

A pair of baboons killed
the Thomson's gazelle and ate it.

There was even
a rudimentary communication...

...between the two baboons...
:57:19 I've become...
...fascinated with the work being done
on nonverbal communications with apes.

I've been corresponding with the Gardners
at the University of Nevada.

I may just go out and spend
a couple of weeks there this summer.

I've got nothing else to do
except write up my report.

I don't suppose you recorded
any of those baboon sounds?

Of course I did. Why?
I'd like very much to hear them.
Of course.
Mrs. Tally said she'll be here
tomorrow morning at 10:30...

:57:44 help you put everything away.
She wanted to know if you wanted her
to come back to work steady.

I got a letter from Mason
about a week ago...

...just before we left Nairobi.
He says you've been working
with a very complex drug...
