Late 1980
Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by Ken Russell
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– Language
Altered States
Altered States is the name of both a novel (ISBN 0060107278) and a film adaptation of that novel, both written by Paddy Chayefsky. It was the only novel that Chayefsky ever wrote, and his final film. Both novel and film are based on Dr. John C. Lilly's sensory deprivation research conducted in isolation tanks and sometimes under the influence of drugs like LSD. Although Chayefsky never contacted Lilly directly, Lilly liked the film version, and noted the following in an Omni magazine interview published in January 1983:
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Altered States
:01:39 Rezervoar...
:01:41 bio èudan zato to
je bio vertikalan...
:01:43 ...i izgledao kao stari bojler.
:01:46 Unutar njega subjekt je nosio
teku staklenu loptu...
:01:48 ...i, u najmanju ruku, moglo bi se
reæi da èitav izum nije bio udoban.
:01:51 Svejedno, bilo je uspjeno.
:01:54 Od 23 testirana studenta, samo
dvojici je eksperiment bio neprijatan.
:01:58 Za neke je bio stimulativan.
:02:00 Dosta studenata je haluciniralo.
:02:03 Dr. Jessup smatra da su nalazi
encefalografa posebno zanimljivi.
:02:06 Jedne subotnjeg popodneva,
aprila 1967...
:02:09 ...odluèio je da osobno
proba eksperiment.