American Gigolo

You came all the way out here?

I had to leave somebody at the beach.
- It's been weeks.
- Hi.

Hello, girls.
You didn't fly to Rio
for the weekend?

Don't mind them.
They're just jealous.

I've been trying
to reach you all day.

Yeah, I got the message. Number?
Tonight. It's a woman
from Charlottesville.

She's flying in for negotiation
on her husband's estate.

- First time?
- Yeah.

She's meeting lawyers in the morning.
They want a chauffeur.

- Is she into drugs?
- No, no drugs.

1,000, right?
600 for me.
- Don't start this again.
- You want 50/50, get Mike,

or one of those drop-outs
you like so much.

There's no percentage in it
if I don't get 50/50.

You already cut me out of repeaters.
It's only fair. Only fair.
It ain't fair, Julie,
but I don't have any choice.

You got a lot of choice. You can
keep dealing retarded faggots...

Look who's talking!
All right... 50/50.
Who'd you drop off up the beach?
- Wouldn't you like to know.
- Why do you do this to me?

You know anybody else
who gets in the LA Country Club?

And that's not the Hillcrest
or the Riverside or the Riviera.
