American Gigolo

Then she identified
subject number one.

Then she wasn't sure
which one of you it was.

- You got the license number?
- She didn't see it.

- Shit!
- Right.

We looked around your house.
We had a warrant.

- We know.
- You recognise these?

- They were under your mattress.
- So what?

They had Mrs Rheiman's fingerprints
all over them. That's so what.

- Did you find the jewels?
- What jewels?

I read the paper, too.
Jewels stolen from Rheiman's house.

Whoever planted that money
probably planted the jewels.

There were no jewels.
Didn't you ever wonder
this may be a frame?

- It occurred to us.
- It occurred to you.

- Did you check Rheiman?
- He has an alibi.

- Big deal.
- You're grasping at straws.

What about Leon James, the black guy?
- He said you were high-class.
- What do you think?

I think you're guilty as sin.
I think you went to the Rheimans',
did a trick,
played some rough games.

You got drugged or stupid or both.
You beat her, killed her,
stole the money and the jewels.

Then there's no use talking further
until you press charges.

Whether we think Julian's guilty...
we're not going to arrest him.

If you're being framed,
you're gonna be more use to us
floating around.

Can we go now?
