- Be careful here.
- You were right, it's a paradise.
- Why don't we stay here a while?
- It's worth thinking about.
- Where's the village?
- Just over that ridge.
Okay, we'll come with you.
Everybody off.
This way!
Come on, Maggie. Take it easy.
Watch out!
My ankle!
I must have sprained it.
That's all I needed!
I don't think I can come with you.
- I'm sorry.
- What a shame.
Soak your foot in salt water,
then it won't swell up.
- Want me to stay here with you?
- It's okay, you can go too.
Bye, Maggie. Thanks.
Bye Julie. Have a nice stay.
Come on, Carol!
- Need anything, Maggie?
- No, thanks.
- It's weird, though.
- What?
- I don't see my friends' boat.
- It'll be moored somewhere else.
There must be another jetty.
Well, there wasn't two years ago,
as far as I know.
They'll have built another
in the meantime.
There was a strong current
as we got near to the island.
I heard my friends talk about it.
It's very erratic.