I don't know.
Any hypothesis
just seems absurd right now.
Maybe they left in a hurry.
But no one would leave without
taking at least something.
Unless they were in total panic,
Maybe an epidemic broke out,
a deadly virus.
No such virus exists
and then we'd have found bodies,
Perhaps that woman Daniel saw
knows what happened.
Maybe she'll turn up again.
She'd have got in touch by now
if she wanted to.
I don't think
she'll show herself again.
Even if she tried to scare us
with that horrible thing.
She succeeded,
even if it was too late.
Hey there! Hello!
How romantic!
Want to eat in your room or will you
be coming to the restaurant?
Service is included.
- Anyone still hungry?
- No, thanks.
Arnold should eat something.
I made him drink a bottle of wine,
it's better that he sleeps.
Poor Maggie.
We should look for her.
Maybe she was already on land.
There'd be no point!
How can you say that?
I can feel it.
Like I felt we shouldn't have come
to this island.
But you didn't listen to me.
I had this feeling
right from the start.