Three days after the murder,
the head of inquiry speaks to Tim.
Please state your full name.
Tim. T-l-M.
That's your stage name.
Your initials, or whatever.
We'd like to know your full name.
-My name is Tim.
Everyone in Europe calls me Tim.
-According to my files, your name...
is Tomas lsidor Mandelbaum.
-lf you know my name, why ask?
lt's a routine question. We have
to ask so that there's no mix-up.
That's impossible.
This is an informal conversation.
-Then turn off the tape recorder.
Does it bother you?
-Obviously. Or l wouldn't have asked.
Now it's turned off.
-Thank you very much.
Would you like some coffee?
Wine or a cigarette?
No, thank you.
-Maybe some mineral water? Tea?
We don't have too much to offer you.
No, thank you.
Then let's get started, Mr Tim.
This won't hurt. l promise you.
-l don't believe that either.
l asked to speak with you, because
you're a friend of the family.
l've worked closely with Katarina
for 10 years. No, 12 years.
We've been friends for 10 years.
lnitially we were employees.
You know Peter Egermann?
-Of course.
What was their marriage like?
Peter's mother was
of a different opinion.
Now you have two
conflicting opinions.
Did you have an affair with Peter?