l liked the idea that Peter was
cheating on her with a prostitute.
But that's only part of the truth.
Weak people choose strange paths.
You should know that, lnspector.
lt torments me that l was the one who
introduced the killer to the victim.
Please excuse my dramatic turns of
phrase. l just have a bad conscience.
l blame my homosexuality.
That too is just part of the truth.
This is starting to become
interesting, don't you think?
The truth is of course that
l wanted Peter all to myself.
But that wasn't clear to me.
We were to have a mutual secret.
l slowly wanted to take him away
from his wife and make him mine.
l saw that terrible coldness
in his marriage...
and was somewhat obsessed with
the idea that he would turn to me.
That he would
discover me at long last.
That he would realize
that l secretly loved him.
Peter was a dying man.
The way one can die of hunger,
thirst or loss of blood.
l knew that l could save him.
And l wished l was
the one he was seeking.
Seeking to be close to me.