l'm keeping you from your work.
-Yes, a bit. l'm expecting someone.
l won't waste any more of your time.
-l'd have time for you on Thursday.
After four.
-You're very kind.
Aren't l?
-Should l tell Katarina...
Goodbye, Peter Egermann.
Take care of yourself.
Bye, Mogens.
And take good care of yourself.
What do you mean by that?
-Your guest is waiting.
Do you know the way out?
Of course.
Mrs Egermann? ls Mrs Egermann in?
Yes, it's very urgent.
Professor Jensen.
Yes, that'd be better. l'll hold.
Peter was just here.
No, he just left.
Could you come here?
l'll leave the door open, OK?
Sorry that l'm late. l had to park
farther down the street so that...
Then l ran the last little bit.
lt's really cold out.
How are you?
Let me look at you.
You look very well. Have you got
anything drinkable around here?