l feel so helpless.
What do you want to know?
l'd be grateful for anything
you can tell me.
Peter was the child
l'd always wanted.
We were so happy.
He had a wonderful childhood. Maybe
it was too sheltered, l don't know.
He was a fearful child.
He was afraid of the dark.
He always wanted the light
in the hall to be left on.
He was afraid of all sorts of things:
dogs, horses, large birds.
His siblings were much more robust.
He was more like me.
l was also a sensitive child.
And somewhat sickly.
l had asthma and would get
sudden allergy attacks.
l remember he used to bite
his fingernails. lt looked awful.
He was very close to his sister
who was three years younger.
They'd play with dolls
and put on puppet shows.
He was a quick learner at school.
He always got the highest grades.
He was much more talented
than his siblings.
When he was twenty,
he met a very nice girl.
They got engaged and planned to get
married after finishing college.
And then he met Katarina
and fell madly in love with her.
Katarina had a lot of control
over him. She had the say.
What Peter's parents
said or thought...
wasn't important anymore.