So I give you the first spy.
And the first to be spied on.
Some famous spies
two of whom might be called political voyeurs.
Could you not as well put your picture up there?
- Or mine?
- I could.
Then you are saying we are all spies?
Well, I prefer to label myself... an observer.
Now the guilt-ridden voyeur
is usually a political conservative.
Anyway I had time to think about it
and I feel I was wrong.
I want to apologise for being too nosy.
Yeah, I want to apologise, too.
I guess I did get a little... tipsy.
Yeah, you did.
I don't want to embarrass you, Alex.
I do things when I drink too much.
I guess I think you're not happy
with me any more and...
...it makes me nervous.
Still seeing that actor?
Let's get some air.
I'm not seeing him or anyone.
I just went out with him
a couple of times, once or twice,
maybe even three times.
You don't own me, I don't own you.
You are seeing him.
Is that why you called to apologise?