My name is Bronco Billy McCoy.
And yours?
Bronco. What an amusing name.
My friends call me Billy.
Come and get it!
Where's the dime you promised me?
- I wanted an orange soda.
- I wanted a strawberry.
Boys, this is...
Antoinette Lily.
Miss Antoinette Lily.
You're the prettiest assistant
the boss ever hired.
I sure hope you can ride better
than the last gal.
Wait! Wait!
Chief Big Eagle and his wife,
Lorraine Running Water.
Miss Antoinette Lily.
All right, boys. We got to get moving.
Let's get to work.
What an honor.
The dime!
I wanted a Dr. Pepper.
Doc Lynch, this is Miss Antoinette Lily.
Welcome to Bronco Billy's
Wild West Show.
I hope you'll be happy with us.
Quit chewing the fat,
we've got work to do.
We'll talk later, my dear.
You'll be paid a good wage
for an honest day's work.
Room and board are free.
You promised me a dime!
Do you ride?
Ride? You mean a horse?
This dime will be deducted
from your first week's salary.
Now, go ahead and make your call.
We got to hit the trail.
You sure are pretty.
Operator, thank God you're there!
I'd like to place a collect call to New York.
Area code 212-966-7058.
To Mrs. Irene Lily.
- Your name, please?
- This is Antoinette Lily.