Spin the wheel.
Next time you change the dialogue
on that piece of paper...
...you're fired!
How dare you come in here!
Where's that piece of paper?
I'm not accustomed to being yelled at!
Where's that piece of paper?
I say, "Would you like a blindfold,
Miss Lily?"
You say, "No, Bronco Billy,
because you're the best shot."
Not, "the best marksman"!
And when I say, "I'll use one,"
where does it say:
"Must you, Bronco Billy?"
It doesn't say that here, does it!
Every assistant I've had
for the last 10 years...
...has said exactly what's on this paper!
That's the way I want it continued!
Do you understand?
And another thing, I own this tent!
Are you finished with your little speech?
Yes, I'm finished!
I do not work for you!
And if you ever raise your voice
to me again, I will scratch out your eyes!
Are we camping here tonight
or moving on?
We're hitting the trail, now!
He is a madman!
Is he?
John Arlington, I am going to murder you
for doing this to me!
How's Buster feeling?