Looks like it's the end of the trail now.
You take care.
You can't leave him here.
He's a deserter!
He deserves what he gets!
I don't believe
Billy will just let him rot in jail.
What can he do?
The Army's too powerful
even for Bronco Billy.
No, it's not like him
just to leave a friend in jail like that.
Desertion is a tough charge to beat.
What if you have an attorney
to defend Leonard?
Miss Lily, an attorney costs money.
That's one luxury we ain't never had!
- Billy, where are you going?
- Get ready for the show!
I appreciate you coming out here
and meeting me like this, Sheriff.
It was a rather interesting phone call.
I figure if my man's sent up for desertion...
...there ain't no profit in that for any of us.