I know that.
What shall I tell the boys?
Tell them we're gonna rob a train.
"Rob a train"?
But how are we gonna stop a train?
Stopping the train is easy.
It's carting off all that money
that's gonna be the hard part.
No outfit's tried robbing a train
in over 90 years.
They were smart, that's why.
You people are crazy!
You could all go to jail for the rest
of your lives for robbing a train!
Appreciate your concern.
You may be right about us being crazy...
...but we're at the end of our rope.
This is not a game! People could get hurt!
Nobody will get hurt.
You don't even know if it's the right train!
If you want out, just say so.
You're all gonna get caught!
I'd say Miss Lily's out.
You're living in a dream world.
There are no more cowboys and Indians!
That's in the past!
I was raised in a one-room tenement
in New Jersey.
As a kid, I never even saw a cowboy,
much less the wide open spaces...
...except when I could
scrounge up a quarter for a picture show.
I was a shoe salesman
until I was 31 years old.
Deep down in my heart
I always wanted to be a cowboy.
One day I laid down my shoehorn...
...and swore I'd never live in the city again.
You only live once.
You got to give it your best shot.
Don't do it, Billy. I'll give you the money.
That'd be a neat trick, considering I haven't
paid you since you started working for me.
I have money. Lots of it!
If you say you do, I believe you.
But I'm head ramrod here
and I've already made my decision.