Bronco Billy

You've got to believe me!
Why don't you start at the beginning?
Tell me all about it.

Her stepmother's lawyer
offered me $500,000...

...if I would confess to the murder.
How was I last night, Bronco Billy?
You weren't performing, Miss Lily.
That's not what I meant.
You did just great.
I did?
Yeah. You know why?
- Because you're a cowboy?
- No.

I could've been a sailor
or a lumberjack or the President.

We felt that good
because we love each other.

The Apaches have a word for it.
- They do?
- Yep!

My God, I'm even beginning
to talk like you.

You mean, you're becoming a cowgirl?
I'm a rooting tooting cowgirl
from the Rio Grande.

You know, I've been thinking...
...with just a little time, I could teach you
to draw and twirl a gun. Shoot.

Takes hours of practice to learn that.
No problem.
Whatever you say, Bronco Billy.
Excuse me, Billy.
Could I have a moment of your time?
Also the young lady's?

Shoot, Doc.
It's me, John Arlington.
Tell them you're alive!

Back off, stranger.
Try to control yourself, Mr. Arlington.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Mr. Arlington believes you to be his wife.
Whenever a patient has an hallucination,
I try to confront them with the facts of life.

What on earth are you doing here?
I was framed!
You mean, he really is your husband?
What'd you run off and leave her for?
If you knew what she was like,
you'd run off, too!

- You really are Antoinette Lily?
- Who else would she be?

Would somebody tell me
what's going on here?

I'll have to call the authorities.
I'm so glad you're alive.
Because I'm going to sue you
and your stepmother...

...and that crooked lawyer of yours
for all you've got!
