Bronco Billy

I ain't never seen the boss drink so much.
He ain't never been in love
with a woman like Miss Lily before.

Keep the change, buddy.
You owe me another buck here.
I'll catch up to you later.
A collect call for Miss Antoinette Lily
from Running Water.

Will you accept the charges?
Go ahead.
Running Water, where are you?
Boise, Idaho.
How's Bronco Billy?
He needs you, badly.
We'll cut the show a little bit tonight.
You can be my assistant.

It's a shame Miss Lily's not here.
Miss Lily? I thought you didn't like her?
I never said I didn't like her,
I just said she brought us bad luck.

Well, she did.
No, she didn't.
She was the best assistant we ever had.
She could take a plate and throw it...

Haven't you got something better to do,
besides hang around like a coyote in heat?

Yeah. Sure, Boss.
- So that's how they built the tent.
- That's the best they know how.

Something must be bringing us luck.
We're almost sold out for tonight.

The fastest draw...
... the toughest hombre...
... who ever rode the range...
...Bronco Billy McCoy
and his horse, Buster!
