Now I'd like to introduce you
to my new assistant.
It's her first night in the big tent.
So how about a big Montana welcome
for Miss Mitzi Fritts.
Throw up the plates.
Throw up another plate.
How about it, ladies and gentlemen?
Bronco Billy!
And now I want all of you settlers...
...and all of you little pardners...
...to sit tight...
...because Bronco Billy
is getting ready to do...
...his death-defying
"Wheel of Fortune" shootout!
Are those real bullets?
It's a special buckshot.
It doesn't go too far.
But don't worry, I never miss.
Miss Mitzi, would you like a blindfold?
No, Bronco Billy.
You're the best shot in the Old West.
Very well, but I will wear one.
Are you ready, Miss Mitzi?
Yes, Bronco Billy.
All right.
Spin the wheel.