...for his Wild West Show.
Billy, I hope you and your friends
will join us for lunch and prayer.
If you don't mind a few sinners
at the table, ma'am.
We'd love to, thank you.
All right, boys, let's take a break,
have some chow.
I realize you ain't with the show, but...
...you're welcome to have lunch with us.
Would Bronco Billy give the prayer?
Lord, we ask You to forgive us
for our sins...
...and we want to thank you, Lord,
for the great chow...
...food that we're having here today.
We ask You, Lord, to look after
these little cowboys and cowgirls...
...and show them the way to a good life,
so they don't get tangled up with...
...hard liquor and cigarettes.
Sister, may I use your telephone?
I'm sorry, we don't have a telephone.
We can't afford one.
Exactly how much do you pay Mr. Bronco
for this performance?
Billy and his friends come here every year.
They make the children happy...
...but they don't get paid.
I said to One-Eyed Charlie,
this famous desperado:
"If you mess with me,
you should make peace with the Lord...
"...'cause I'm faster and tougher than you,
you dirty varmint."
What did he do to make you so mad,
Bronco Billy?
He talked dirty about my mother.
So you killed One-Eyed Charlie?
I didn't, but I shot his holsters
right off his hips.