Kind of poorly, Doc.
It's just his arthritis acting up again.
I'll give him a couple of swigs
of my snakebite remedy.
Just fix the old boy up, just like new.
One of these days we'll get that ranch.
Old Buster can go out to pasture.
Running Water was telling me
about the run in you had with Miss Lily.
I say good riddance to that woman.
She just couldn't cut the bacon.
I'm glad she got out of the frying pan
before I wasted that much time on her.
It's a shame, because I thought
she did pretty good for her first show.
She couldn't take orders.
I gave her the piece of paper
and she couldn't memorize her words.
But she was a damn good shot.
I don't want to talk about her, ever again.
Okay, you're the boss.
She got her ride to the next town
and her breakfast on the house.
Mighty kind of you.
Her kind don't want to work.
No wonder her husband ran off
and left her.
Excuse me, miss.
"Heiress murdered."
Can I see the Sports section?
You may!
Thank you.
'Bye, ma'am.
Goodbye, Miss Lily.
It's too bad you can't come along with us.
So long. Happy trails.