
To be respectful
to my superiors.

And to faithfully perform
the duties of this office.

No publicity on this.
People are on your side.
It's strong stuff.
I mean it... no publicity.
I quite agree.
To be loyal to...
I can't be kept in the dark...
on something like this.
Chairman of the prison board
is expected to approve...

pertaining to the prison.

I hope you won't scream
for free-world guards.

How long have you been on
the prison board?

17 years.
Print it.
What do you think
of our new warden?

I wonder what his first order
of business will be.

Blow the place up.
Start from scratch.
You're making a joke, of course.
Of course.
Oh, yes.
Learn much?
Not enough.
I've never seen anything like this.
There isn't anything like this.
The problem isn't
just inside the prison.

That's why I have to move fast.
Same thing, Lillian.
Henry, this is very important.
No kidding.
You're one of the strangest
individuals I've ever seen.

I've got an 11:00.
What's the problem?

She said you're
the most punctual individual...
