
Chocolate prune cake in there.
My missus baked it up
special for you.

I hate prunes.
They cloud my mind.

Did I say my name?
No. But I know you.
C.P. Woodward.
Call me Woody.

Can I help you?
I came about the roof.
Purcell said you'd declared...
a state of emergency or something.
I thought you just sell lumber.
I sell it, I grow it.
I got wood in my veins.
Just give me yourJohn Hancock.
We'll fix things up tight.
No. Hold it, now.
Shouldn't you see
the roof first?

Whatever we find, we'll fix.
You get one pinprick hole
in that tarpaper from the factory...

This isn't a question of pinpricks.
You built that thing wrong...
and I want you to rebuild it.
Of course you do.
I'll help with the cost.
I'll bill only my materials.
This won't cost me anything.
You guarantee your work?
Of course.
You get on top
of this shit pile...

and then the job's
not such a ballbuster.

You'll be happier then.
I'm not complaining.
Are you unhappy?
It sure sounds like it to me.
I'm not in this business for my health.
Or anybody else's.
I'm doing my inventory.
It's a pain in the ass.
Ain't been anybody from Wakefield
helping me lately.
