
get you that boiler.
Draw up plans
for more barracks.

Get yourself a couple
of new tractors.

How many men
are buried out there?

That field was an old
paupers' graveyard...

when my granddaddy
was alive.

It's in the records.
I'm talking about murder.
It's time to cut the bull.
Grave robbery is a felony
in this state.

You want to wind up
in your prison...

Mr. Brubaker?
He means it.
I'm calling the governor.
The governor already knows.
Nobody's asking you
to stop digging.

We're ordering you to.
I don't like being
put in a corner.

Edwards, stay out of this.
You're another token liberal...
that doesn't know shit.
I'll reform Wakefield...
if it means putting the prison board
behind bars.

I've been behind bars, Brubaker.
Two years in Atlanta for real...
not a few days in disguise.
So you listen
to this token liberal.

You got a high opinion
of yourself.

Most of it I agree with.
You don't understand
inmate mentality.

If you did, you'd know...
that asshole's
ready to offer you...

anything you need
for those men.

It's not enough.
Henry, stop the digging.
Concentrate on the men
who are alive.

We have leverage now.
I've got a prison to run.
I hope so.
