
Just relax. Find your center.
Picture the shot. Picture it.
Turn off all the sound.
Just let it happen. Be the ball.
Be the ball, Danny. You're
not being the ball, Danny.

Well, it's kind of difficult
with you talking like that.

I'm not talking. Stop talking.
I'm not talking now.
Be the ball.
Where did it go?
Right in the lumber yard. It's okay.
We'll work on it.

Do you know what I just saw?
A gopher!
A gopher? Where?
Do you know what gophers
can do to a golf course?

I think they're tunneling in from
that construction site over yonder.

Czervik Construction Company?
I'll slap an injunction on them so
fast it will make their heads spin!

You get rid of those gophers...
...or I'll be looking for a new
greenskeeper! Is that clear?

Aye, sir! Very clear, sir!
I'll put my best man on it!
I'm looking at you.
You wore green so you could hide.

I don't blame you. You're a tramp.
Oh, that was a good one!

That was right where you wanted it.
