
Lacey's mother sent her
to us for the summer.

It must be a nice change
from dreary old Manhattan.

Yes. I was getting really tired
of having fun all the time.

Double turds!
Hey, where do we tee off?
Hey, we're all set to go.
You know my friend here, don't you?

Are we waiting for these guys?
Hey, Whitey! Where's your hat?
Let's go while we're young!
Do you mind, sir?
I'm trying to tee off.

I bet you slice it into the woods.
A hundred bucks!

Gambling is illegal at Bushwood,
sir, and I never slice!

Okay! You can owe me!
I owe you nothing!
Judge Smails, sir, can I talk to you?
You want your driver?
No, he's not my type.
Hey, that's a joke! I'm kidding.
Give me the driver.

All right, place your bets!
Here we are!

Don't count that!
I was interfered with.

By the way, what did Mr. Webb
shoot this morning?

Oh, he doesn't keep score, sir.
I know, but just guess.
Eighty? Seventy-five?

More like 68, I think.
I don't believe it.
Why don't you improve
your lie a little, sir?

Yes, Yes. Winter rules.
