
I planned to go to law school
after I graduated, but...

:23:05 looks like my folks
won't have enough money...

:23:07 put me through college.
Well, the world needs
ditchdiggers, too.

Nice try.
Great big gobs of greasy
grimy gopher guts.

How about a nice,
cool drink, varmints?

Scum, slime.
Menace to the golfing industry!

You know you're a disgrace.
You're varmints.

You're one of the lowest members
of the food chain...

...and you'll probably
be replaced by the rat.

Well, I have been pushed.
I think it's about time somebody
teaches these varmints...

...a little lesson about morality...
...and about what it's like to be a
decent upstanding member of a society!

Come to Carl, varmint.
Okay! I guess we're
playing for keeps now.

I guess the kidding around
is pretty much over, huh?

I guess it's just a matter now of...
...pumping about 15,000...
...gallons of water down there...
:24:13 teach you a little bit
of a lesson.

Is that it? I think it is!
Say, you guys are brothers, huh?
Is this a family business, or what?
They say for Italians this is
skilled labor, you know that?

No, actually, I'm a rich millionaire.
You see, my doctor
told me to get out...

...and carry golf bags
a couple of times a week.

Oh, you're a funny kid. What time
are you due back in Boys Town?

Albert Einstein gave me this.
Nice man.
He made a fortune in physics.
