He really loved cinema.
He would never...
He would shout like a devil
when he was angry
but he always eventually followed
the choices of the director.
We marked off the places together
in Colombia.
Together we almost went round
the whole country.
He would take me to where they shot
a film by Pontecorvo
or by Rosi.
But I wasn't satisfied.
I couldn't find the jungle.
So I said: 'Let's find something else
or we don't shoot the movie'.
We left Carthagena, which was
the last stop, for Bogotá,
to come back to Rome.
At the airport,
I met a Colombian documentarist.
We talked a little and he said:
'Have you seen the whole Colombia?'
I said we had,
but that we couldn't find
any jungle.
He asked:
'Have you been to Leticia?'
'You have to see this place.'
It wasn't easy to go back to
Palaggi and to tell him:
'Let's see Leticia.'
He shouted: 'What !'
'We spent so much time travelling
across Colombia,'
'and you want to see another place?'
'We already checked-in for Rome.'
10 mins later, he calmed down
and we went to Leticia.
he was still a bit angry.
The next day, I prepared to
mark off the place
and I aksed him to come with me.
'No, leave me alone!
Go there by yourself!'