Cannibal Holocaust

He was the one who produced
'A Fistful of Dollars'.

I believe much of the success
of the movie was due

to him, to his choices,
to his way of helping Sergio Leone.
That's a good souvenir.
I was in the United States,
I was about 19 or 20.

I was still studying at
the Actors Studio

or rather at the Strasberg Institute.
It had just opened up, with Strasberg.
It's been a long time now but
I think I remember that

the director, Deodato,
chose people who could

speak a little English,
and that he personally came there,
because one of the actors
studied with me.

We shot with almost no light,
that was an adventure.
Based on courage and experience,
of course.

There was no pre-established project
because we left for a place
that none of us knew.
That was a courageous choice
because at the time,
Leticia was completely...

It could only be reached by plane.
I remember I took a Dakota from Bogotá.
We faced many logistic difficulties.
To get to the place of the shooting,
we had to take canoes.

There was no other way
to get there.
It was quite risky
