We had fun.
It was a movie in the movie.
Still, the film was risky.
And we were in a place that was
a crossroad for drug trafficking,
full of bandits
and weird people.
Monteleone got inpired by this place
for Hotel Colonial,
a movie that is unfortunately
not good,
because of its budget.
But the original subject
was beautiful.
It features this hotel, which
really exists in Leticia.
And the movie tells the story
of Leticia,
this frontier town.
It stands at the boarder between
Brazil, Colombia and Peru.
They are adjoining countries.
We were young, we didn't sleep much.
On the evening, we went for an outing.
We did expeditions on the Amazon.
We would steal a canoe
to cross the river,
the Amazon.
It was no common river!
We had so much fun!
The places were wonderful.
We really were at the heart
of Amazonia.
At the frontier between Peru,
Colombia and Brazil,
which converge towards this unique point,
which join one another in the 'town'.
That is too big a word
for this village called Leticia
with lakeside housings,
where there were two charming hotels.
But we lived there like in the jungle.
When one does this kind of film...
I almost went round the world
to shoot movies in countries
with hotsile climate or environment.
One has to be prepared,
physically and mentally
to accept this.
Amazonia is tough.