and the neo-hyperrealistic language,
which is more spectacular,
with the camera in situation.
This one is more 'snuff-movie'
with a different film format,
like 16 mm.
The mix of the two langages
makes the movie very interesting.
There's a lot of ...
Remember this movie by Soderbergh,
a few years ago
with Benicio del Toro?
He used a volontarily aged photo.
The image was entirely shot
with the camera in hand.
These things weren't
so common before.
In that, Deodato really had...
The audience is often incapable
of any semiotic analysis of langage.
But it reaches
the emotional level.
When a director tells a story,
he does it from instinct
and touches collective imagination.
We used 35mm and 16mm Kodak
as film
and negative backing.
During postproduction,
we took great care of
of the printing process,
as one usually does
when making a movie:
You develop, make a print
and get the copy.
The cinematographer
works with a developing laboratory
in order to otpimize
the photographic potential
that he wanted to emphasize.
I was also making the costumes.
Before going to Leticia,
we were in New York
to meet the actors
who were to come with us
to Amazonia.