We shot the scene quickly,
in spite of the danger.
We knew that the rain
could take us towards the river.
Well, seeing those savages,
let's call them that,
those native Indians...
Well, seeing them
waiting for us to be on the boats
before they went on themselves...
This sense of 'civilization'...
I want to use this term
about these people
who may think
that they are not civilized,
that they do not know certain rules.
This sense of hospitality
moved me very much.
Our main actress
was caught in this atmosphere
she was tired and a bit worried.
Once, with two other actors,
we hid a fake skull,
from the make-up artist.
A human skull.
We hid it
in deep mud.
You could hardly see it.
And when we took a break,
we told her:
'What's that thing in the mud?'
'Let's have a look.'
And then: 'Oh, no forget about it.'
We were just joking.
But I saw she was getting tense.
I don't remember whether
it is Pirkanen or Barbareschi
who started to dig,
to increase the pressure.
He triumphantly dig it up and