-Hi. That's too wild for me.
-I'm in your acting class.
-I know.
Montgomery MacNeil.
-Doris Finsecker.
-Hi. Wanna sit down?
All right. Is your mother really
Marsha MacNeil, the actress?
-That's right.
-She does wonderful work.
-Have you seen her?
-But I've heard.
-I didn't know she lived in New York.
-She doesn't. Officially, she does...
...but she's been on the road forever.
She gets paid to stay in hotels...
...but she stays with friends. Sends her
per diems home to me and Dr. Golden.
-ls that your stepfather?
-My analyst.
What's wrong with you?
It's pretty technical, really.
I have problems.
-What kind of problems?
-With women.
Fine. Swaying with a nice humming
sound, please. And: