
-Don't you want success?
-Sure. I don't think our tits are up to it.

Oh, why?
God will punish you,
Yuri Yajeyopeyonoff.

What crime is this unborn
child guilty of...

...that it should not drink of
the milk of paradise?

You warned me, Elena.
Not one ruble have I lost, not one.

-Can we try this again? It sounds phony.
-I don't wanna try this again.

-There's nothing wrong with you.
-I know. That's what's wrong with me.

Everybody here is colorful or eccentric
or charismatic. I'm perfectly ordinary.

My nose is ordinary. My body's ordinary.
And my voice, it's--

-I don't know why I'm here.
-You wanna be an actress.

Yeah, but actors and actresses
are colorful, flamboyant beings.

I'm about as flamboyant as a bagel.

-Some people like bagels.
-Some people don't.

-Some people are too old for you.
-He smiles at me.

-He smiles at everyone.
-Yeah, but he winks too.

-I think it's a nervous habit.
-He talks to me, often.

-Really? What's he say?

That's serious. Have you set the date?
I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
-I feel stupid.

So get into it.
Study it. Try to remember it
so you can--

Hey, M and M.
Seen your shrink lately?
-You got a special delivery?

How you doing? How are you?
Oh, good. That's very good.
You're a good man.

They're not for me.
They're for a friend of mine.
