
Besides, she loves shopping.
She gets multiple orgasm
every time she buys something.

Sounds great. I think I like her.
You can have her.
-Where's all the sweat, Lisa?
-I'm working on it.

You're not working on it hard enough.
Get rid of the gum.
Watch me.
Lift the bow off the string, Martelli.
Mozart wouldn't do this today.
-Do what?
-This bowing business.

He'd plug his keyboard into an amp...
...and he'd have string quartets
coming out of his fingers.

And who would play all these
science-fiction symphonies?

-He would.
-All by himself?

He'd overdub and mix, of course.
He wouldn't make the same old noise.

-He'd sound electric.

He'd have spacier strings and horns
and computerized bassoons.

-One man is not an orchestra.
-Who needs orchestras?

You can do it all with a keyboard,
an amp and enough power.

You're going to play all by yourself?
You don't need anybody else.
That's not music, Martelli.
That's masturbation.

See, I'm not naturally graceful.
Grace doesn't run in our family.
It's our genes. I've had to work
so hard to come this far.

-God, I've been at it since I was 4.
-Me too.

I started out with tap and stuff.
Then my mom kept buying me pretty
ballet tutus, and I got hooked on it.

Less lip, Monroe! More sweat!
-She's just a bitch.
-She hates me.

This is a dance class, Lisa,
not the Charles Atlas plan.

-Shut your mouth.
-Where are your tights?

I told you I got them.
I just forgot them.

What's he talking about?
Tights. He won't wear them.
Look, Leroy, I told you, if you don't have
tights, you don't dance. Now go!
