If you were a flavor of ice cream,
what would it be?.
-Rocky Road.
What's that Vitamin C
stuff do for you, anyway?.
Vitamin C is supposed to neutralize
the nitrates or something.
What's the matter?.
Do you see something?.
No. Nothing.
Ned! Get out of here!
Hey, you guys.
Ready to go back to work?.
-Come on, Alice.
-Help! Help!
-Something's wrong with Ned.
-Get a life preserver!
-Can he swim?.
-I don't know.
-He's right around here somewhere.
-I got it.
Go ahead, dive for him.
-There he is!
-Come on. Help me.
Watch his head.
-Watch his head!
-Got him?.
-Can you giVe mouth-to-mouth?.