Friday the 13th

That's nice.
I know what we can do.
We'll play Monopoly.

-I hate Monopoly!
-Not the way I play it, you don't.

-Like what?.
-We're going to play strip Monopoly.

-I'll be the shoe.
-You have got to be kidding.

What if Steve walks in?.
We'll give him a handicap.
He can keep his boots on. It's easy.

Instead of rent, you pay clothes. Bill
can be banker. Unless he's chicken.

Heaven help you if you land
in my hotel!

Why don't you see if Marcie
left any of that grass?.

-What happened to my 500's?.
-They're there. Where's my shoe?.

I'm not going to pass "Go"
without a glow.

We rolled for you. You're going last.
Community Chest cannot
give you your clothes back.

Double sixes! I get to roll again!
