Watch out.
Be careful.
Let me get the light.
What's wrong?.
It's dead. Try the pay phone.
Do you have a dime or a quarter?.
No. Check the desk.
This damn thing's dead too!
What's the matter with it?.
It's wet.
I don't know.
Why don't we just hike out of here?.
Get out. Right now!
It's 10 miles to the nearest crossroads.
Steve will be back soon.
We can use his jeep if we need
to get help. Don't worry.
-There's some stupid explanation for this.
-Like what?.
We'll be laughing about this tomorrow,
I promise.
Let's get out of the rain.
It's not bad enough to have Friday the
13th, we've gotta have a full moon too.
We keep statistics. We have more
accidents, more rapes, more robberies...
...more homicides, more of everything
when there's a full moon.
It upsets people. Makes them nuts.
You're making science
out of coincidence.
I hear Ralph was out your way today.
His wife was a nervous wreck
until we got him home.