Inspiration of the pet cemetery business...
is a little story that probably
leads me back many years.
I was born in the state of North Dakota...
county of Barnes, city of VaIIey City.
I was there for severaI years.
Being born in 1930,
then the WorId War II started...
in 1941, when I went to the farm.
On the farm, I had my own pet coIIie...
which worked with me and was beside me.
No matter what I did and where I'd go,
my pet coIIie was with me.
One afternoon, we came back
from hauIing bundIes...
''thrashing,'' the oId word's going.
And an oId ModeI A came up the road,
struck my coIIie and kiIIed him.
I never did catch him.
But I grabbed my coIIie...
and heId him in my arms untiI he died.
And I puIIed one IittIe acre of Iand
right behind the house...
I'd say a quarter of a miIe away.
It overIooked the prairie to the north...
which was reaIIy a beautifuI....
It had a Iakeside at the back.