I picked that as the cemetery
for my own coIIie.
Right across the street
from where I lived in Los Altos...
was the most beautiful piece of land...
as far as I was concerned,
in the whole valley.
And, boy, I knew what to do with it.:
make that into a pet cemetery.
I thought, ''Well, this is going to be
my project of life. ''
I found the land, I found the need.
Something the old-timers
used to tell me years ago.:
''To be successful in this world
and life, find a need and fill it. ''
And, boy, I found a need and I wanted
to fulfill this more than anything.
More than anything I did my whole
life, I wanted to fulfill this dream.
And there is where we started our work.
PIanning, deveIopment,
and getting the peopIe interested.
Working with....
I worked with
Carnation Pet Food Company...
Safeway Stores, Lucky Stores.
I remember taIking with Dicky Euwe...
of Dick's Supermarkets...
and asking him if I couId come
and work in his pet food section...
and just hand out my cards
and taIk to the peopIe...
about having a pet cemetery.
I went to grooming shops,
I went to veterinarians.
And the interest I got was
just phenomenaI. It was just great.
So then I had to get
some more interested peopIe...
in the idea of it,
because we needed the financing.